Thank you, everybody! We are so appreciative of everyone coming out and showing us your love and generousity (and while I will not… Continue reading “Thank you, everybody!”…
it’s time to get a bigger boat We’ve started receiving reply cards in the mail and we had to figure out a place to keep them so… Continue reading “it’s time to get a bigger boat”…
invitations are done, need stamps and addresses printed on envelopes We finally finished assembly on the invitations, so we’ll be printing up addresses on envelopes and applying appropriate postage in… Continue reading “invitations are done, need stamps and addresses printed on envelopes”…
no promises about ‘crocodile’ dundee 3, however I found a new source of Gocco supplies locally in Boston, but I’m not telling where because I don’t want… Continue reading “no promises about ‘crocodile’ dundee 3, however”…
lawl guess who has to make new reply cards I’ll give a hint – it’s Mara. The reply cards that we’d actually taken pictures of were all made with… Continue reading “lawl guess who has to make new reply cards”…
What are the ladies wearing? So far, I’ve got three confirmed bridesmaids who are absolutely super-confirmed to do this crazy thing. Two dresses ordered. Hopefully… Continue reading “What are the ladies wearing?”…
What’s new? Invitations – almost done. Will address and mail shortly. Bridesmaids – Char and Prairie have dresses ordered! That’s about it.… Continue reading “What’s new?”…
there’s real flesh under there We worked on invitations. By ‘we’, I mean me. Mara worked on cutting these the other day. With her mommy.… Continue reading “there’s real flesh under there”…
i don’t have pants yet I gotta get me some pants. I mean, I’m wearing pants now, but I might need fancy pants. Continue reading “i don’t have pants yet”…